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Twenty Six Suspected Bird Flu Patients Hospitalized in Turkey?

Recombinomics Commentary

January 5, 2006

Five additional patients, also with flu-like symptoms, have been hospitalized in Erzurum

The above comments suggest that the number of patients hospitalized in Turkey has grown to 26 and come from four provinces.

Media reports support the following breakdown.

15 patients were hospitalized in Van.  These patients included the four Kocygit siblings (two have died and one is in critical condition) as well as 8 members of the Ozkan family and two additional people from Agri Province.  There is also one patient from Van.  The lack of reported poultry infections in Van, coupled with the large number of patients in Van raise the possibility of transmission to a health care worker in Van.

In addition to the 15 patients in Van, there are 6 patients from Igdir as well as the 5 patients described above from Erzurum.

Thus, the total is 26 patients from four provinces including four siblings from one family (Kocygit) and 8 members of another family (Okzan).

The dramatic increase in hospitalized patients in sparsely populated eastern Turkey is cause for concern.  Most of the patients have breathing difficulties and are on ventilators.  Two have died and at least one is in critical condition.

Outbreaks of dead birds have been reported in Igdir, Agri, Eruzum, and Kars Provinces suggesting H5N1 is easily passed from poultry to humans.  This increased efficiency is cause for concern because the H5N1 that is efficiently transmitted is present in at least three provinces and will likely spread this strain further in the Middle East and Africa.

More information of the sequences of H5N1, including position 227 of HA,  from poultry and people would be useful.


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