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Suspect H5N1 in The Netherlands

Recombinomics Commentary 08:38
January 4, 2008

Chances are that the dead gulls before Christmas were found among Galderse Lakes in Breda are infected with the avian influenza, particularly with the for people dangerous H5N1 variant.

Just before Christmas was in the Lakes Galderse an abnormally large number of dead black headed gulls found. In the first instance were not alarm ring to the board Brabant Delta. Dead birds were thrown in rubbish bins at the lake and later taken to the regional office of the board in Ulvenhout. Only after the holidays was a first study carried out on two carcasses.

That showed that one of the gulls had bleedings in the liver. The animals were then forwarded to the research institute specialized in Lelystad.

The above comments describe suspect H5N1 in the Netherlands.  The necropsy on one bird, coupled with recent reports of H5N1 in northern Poland and northern Germany, signal H5N1 in the region,

H5N1 is transmitted and transported by wild birds that do not respect national boundaries, and activity this fall in Germany, Poland, and England, provide further evidence for H5N1 in northwestern Europe.

Just as the detection of H5N1 in Israel followed reported of H5N1 in Saudi Arabia and Egypt, detection of H5N1 in the Netherlands would not be surprising because of H5N1 reports from northern Europe.
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