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Fujian H5N2 Confirmed In Benton City Washington
Recombinomics Commentary
January 6, 2015 23:45

In poultry farmers of Washington, USA, that the occurrence of highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N2 subtype) was confirmed, yesterday (Sunday, January 4, 2015), there was a report from the country's animal health authorities.

The above translation from the Japan Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries website confirms H5N2 on backyard farm near Benton City, Washington (see H5N2 map).  This confirms the migration of two Fujian H5 serotypes (H5N2 and H5N8) down the Pacific Flyway in the western states.  H5N2 was initially confirmed in a Northern pintail that died at Wiser Lake, which was 7 miles south of the H5N2 outbreak in British Columbia.  Moreover, media reports cite a second backyard farm linked to the index farm in Benton City.

H5N8 was also identified near Wiser Lake in 4 pet falcons fed a wigeon caught near the lake, which was followed by confirmation at a Winston, Oregon backyard farm and a hunter shot gadwall in Butte County, California (see H5N8 map).

The US is the only country outside of Asia with co-migration of two Fujian sub-clades, although both serotypes are circulating in wild birds in Canada, although none have been reported.  The southern migration of these two serotypes suggests both will migrate into Mexico via the Pacific Flyway.

Release of sequences from the growing list of H5N2 and H5N8 outbreaks in the US would be useful.

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