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H1N1 Tamiflu Resistance In England Approaches 100%
Recombinomics Commentary 17:46
January 7, 2009

Forty influenza A (H1) specimens have been tested for anti-viral drug resistance since week 40/08, 39 of these were resistant to oseltamivir.

The above comments from the week 1 report from the UK provide additional evidence that H274Y is fixed in H1N1.  The sole sensitive isolate was reported in the first 10 isolates tested.  Since those initial tests, all 30 samples have had H274Y.  This pattern is similar to reports of H274Y levels in the United States where 72/73 isolates have H274Y.  The sole sensitive isolate was among the first 2 tested, so all 71 tested since the initial report have had H274Y.  Similarly, the small number of H1N1 isolates tested in Scotland, Norway, Sweden, and Israel have H274Y, as do all 19 reported results in Canada.  The recent WHO report on initial results for the northern hemisphere indicated that 13/14 isolates from Japan had H274Y and sequence analysis of the three isolates showed that they matched the dominant sequence in the United States.

These initial data fro this season support the fixing of H274Y in H1N1 in circulation in the northern hemisphere. Although data has not been widely disseminated for Russia and China, two countries with high frequencies of H1N1, the results released these far from North America, Europe, and Japan in Asia support H274Y levels approaching 100%.

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