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Fujian H5N2 Spread To Richland Washington
Recombinomics Commentary
January 7, 2015 10:30

The 500 birds in the mixed Richland flock included chickens, turkeys, ducks and guinea fowl. Some of the birds had lost motor control, leaving them helplessly flapping around. Poultry that catch the disease usually die within three days.

“They are already showing significant signs of the illness here,” Castro said early Tuesday.

The above comments describe poultry at a second backyard farm in Benton County, Washington.  This Richland farm is about 9 miles from the index farm near Benton City (see H5N2 map), which had sent ducks to the second farm prior to symptoms.  H5N2 has not yet been confirmed on the second farm, but ducks were dying and were symptomatic, as described above.

The two farms in Benton County confirm the southern migration of H5N2 in the Pacific Flyway, which is also true for H5N8 which has been confirmed in all three US Pacific states (Washington, Oregon, California) in the flyway (see H5N8 map).

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