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D225G Link to Fatal H1N1 Caracal Cluster in Romania?
Recombinomics Commentary 03:20
January 13, 2010

An ordinary flu that proved fatal to John, Vergina and Geanina Bhutan were a happy family until two weeks ago.

A few days before Christmas, the three have contracted a cold, which would be fatal for the young mother. "I was immediately family doctor, who has prescribed some medicines: Nurofen strengths and one, which is also given for colds," says John Bhutan (46 years), father of the young.

A few days immediately after Christmas, the state faces 19 years and his mother, Verginia, worsened. Seeing that the two do not feel well, the man called the ambulance, emergency women being transported to hospital in Caracal. Meanwhile, boyfriend Geanina Adrian Tabarcea (21 years) reached the hospital with the same symptoms of colds.

The above translation provides more detail on the fatal cluster in Caracal, Romania (see map).  Three family members developed symptoms.  The father (46M) recovered.  The daughter (19F) and mother (42F) were hospitalized, as was the daughter's fiancée (21M).  All hospitalized patients eventually tested positive for H1N1 (mother initially tested negative). Fiancee's lungs were extensively damaged at admission.  Finacee (21M) and mother (42F) died and were said to have no underlying conditions

The deaths of two members of the cluster and the hospitalization of the third signal a virulent H1N1.  The extensive lung damage raises concerns that the family was infected with H1N1 with D225G/N.  Romania has reported a recent spike in fatalities and is adjacent to Ukraine, where the CFR for H1N1 with D225G/N is 100%.  Moreover, 8 of the 8 fatal sequences in Ukraine had D225G/N.

The description of the cluster, with multiple fatalities and/or hospitalizations signals presentations expected from transmitting D225G/N. In addition there have been three other recent fatalities in the area (Olt County)

Media reports describe claims of reductions in fatalities via rapid vaccine implimentation, suggesting the number of fatalities in Romania is causing serious concerns.

Sequence of H1N1 from this cluster as well as the large number of fatal cases in Romania would be useful.

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