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35 Week 3 Flu Deaths In Pennsylvania Raise Total To 75
Recombinomics Commentary 21:00
January 22, 2013

Thirty five (35) influenza-related deaths were reported last week, making 75 the total number of flu-related deaths reported season-to-date. A majority of reported deaths are among the elderly (persons >65 years of age). No pediatric flu-related deaths (in persons <18 years) had been reported as of week 3.

The above comments from the Pennsylvania week 3 report cite 35 additional flu deaths, the highest weekly total reported to date in Pennsylvania or any other state this season.  Similarly, the season total of 75 is the highest total reported to date, although the week 3 report from Minnesota (with 60 deaths) or Illinois (with 50 deaths) has not been made public.

The 35 newly reported deaths suggests that the Pneumonia and Influenza death rate of 8.3% for the country in week 2 (which was 1% above the epidemic threshold), may be higher in week 3.

Pennsylvania is not reporting any pediatric deaths, even though a week 1 pediatric death (infant) in Lehigh Valley has been confirmed and another case (17M in Ridgway) was cited in an obituary, raising concerns that reporting of flu deaths in Pennsylvania may be delayed.

Moreover, the 480 hospitalizations in week 3, which follow the revised 577 and 521 hospitalizations for weeks 1 and 2 respectively, suggest additional reports of high levels of flu deaths in Pennsylvania will follow.

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