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Paradigm Shift Intervention Monitoring | Commentary
Large Suspect H5N1 Cluster in Garut Indonesia Recombinomics Commentary 10:20 January 23, 2008 As many as 15 residents Kab Garut, West Java, were expected suspect bird flu (avian influenza/AI). 12 people were treated in the Kec Peundeuy Community Health Centre, three other in RSU Dr Slamet. Three patients who were treated in the Public Hospital (RSU) Dr Slamet was, Ikhsan,5. Two again, the older brother was siblings, namely Saeful Fahmi, 13, and Soni 6 months. While 12 people who were treated in the community health centre were Empat, 56, Alfi 11 months, Itar,68,Ena,60,Yayah,35, Wilda,8,NoviAjijah,4,Pudin, 47,Mela,55 ,Ada, 60, the Diamond, 5, and Sandi,1. All of them the resident of the Cireundeu Village, Desa Toblong, of Kec Peundeuy, Kab Garut. The head of the Community Health Centre of Peundeuy Nadya Se- FINA stated, the patients experienced the sign resembled suspect bird flu. Apart from the high fever, the patient experienced the cough and breathless. The resident who experienced the high fever and signs resembled suspect AI, at once was treated by us intensive in the Community Health Centre. They also at once were given by us Tamiflu, he revealed. Nadya claimed, three patients were reconciled to RSU Dr Slamet. The above translation describes a large suspect H5N1 cluster in Garut, Indonesia. Although initial rapid testing of the first three patients has been negative, samples have been collected for further testing and the patients have been given Tamiflu. One of the largest clusters reported to date was in Garut. Although only three patients were confirmed cases, there were fatal contacts who died prior to collection of samples, and others who tested negative after being placed on Tamiflu. A Tamiflu blanket was applied to four villages. More information on testing of the above cluster would be useful. Media Links Recombinomics Presentations Recombinomics Publications Recombinomics Paper at Nature Precedings |
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