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Colorado Pediatric Flu Deaths Increase To 5
Recombinomics Commentary 14:00
January 23, 2013

One additional pediatric death was reported from Huerfano County, bringing the cumulative total to 5 pediatric deaths since the season began on October 7th.

A total of 29 influenza-associated pediatric deaths have been reported during the 2012-2013 season from 17 states (Arkansas [1], Florida [2], Indiana [1], Kansas [1], Maine [1], Massachusetts [1], Michigan [4], Minnesota [1], Nebraska [1], New Jersey [2], New York [3], Ohio [1], South Carolina [1], Tennessee [1], Texas [6], Washington [1], and Wisconsin [1]).

The above comments (in red) from the Colorado week 3 report describe the 5th pediatric death in Colorado this season.  However, as seen in the alphabetical list of pediatric cases in the US (in blue), as reported in the week 2 CDC FluView, none of the cases from Colorado are included.  Thus, the 29 fatalities listed in the week 2 FluView, plus the 5 cases reported by Colorado whould increase the US total for pediatric flu deaths to 34, which was the season total for 2011-12.

However, as seen in the updated list below, the number of pediatric flu deaths for this season is well above last year’s total.  In addition to the absence of the four earlier pediatric flu deaths in Colorado (reported in week 50 and week 2), the week 52 case from Indiana is also missing from the CDC FluView.

The list below also includes more recent cases, including those reported in week 2 state reports as well as a Pennsylvania case (17M) cited in an obituary.  Other cases, such as an obituary report for a case in Ohio (17F), which is unlikely to be tested, as well as Nebraska and Pennsylvania cases which subsequently tested negative, have been removed.  The list below has 12 lab confirmed cases, as well as four probable cases, which are in addition to the 29 cases cited in the week 2 FluView.

FluView pediatric cases (29)
Wk   #    Location
02    9    MA NY(2) OH MN NE TX(2) MI
01    2    KS TX
52    2    MI NY
51    8    AR FL ME MI(2) TX WA WI
50    2    NJ
49    1    TX
48    3    IN FL SC
46    1    TX
41    1    TN

Pediatric deaths not in FluView (16)
03    4    PA#  MI+ CO HI*
02    9    OH+ CO(2) DE* MD* CA* FL NJ* IL+
52    1    IN
50    2    CO

*  = Lab confirmed but not in state updates
+ = Under investigation
# = Obituary report

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