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Fujian H5N8 Infects 200,000 Turkey Flock Waterford California
Recombinomics Commentary
January 25, 2015 12:15

A strain of avian flu harmless to humans has been found at a Foster Farms turkey facility near Waterford.

Mattos estimated the area-wide toll from an outbreak could affect up to 200,000 birds.

The above comments provide additional detail on the Foster Farms turkey outbreak near Waterford, California in Stanislaus County.  The farm has 14 barns (see map) which house about 15,000 turkeys each. 

The 200,000 turkey total is almost as large as the H5N2 outbreak in British Columbia, which involved 12 farms and approximately 250,000 birds.

The APHIS announcement has already led to the banning of the import of California poultry to Japan, and the upcoming OIE report will likely lead to a major series of updates by other countries imposing similar bans.

The size of this H5N8 outbreak highlights the potential damage to the poultry industry in California, which is significantly larger than operations in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Utah, where prior H5N8 outbreaks in wild birds or backyard farms have been reported.

The latest reported outbreak in California suggests more infected farms will be reported in California in the near term.

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