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H5N1 Confirmed in Sixth Swan in England

Recombinomics Commentary 13:09
January 26, 2008

"Defra has today confirmed that a sixth mute swan collected on 21 January as part of wild bird surveillance in the same area in Dorset has tested positive for highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza.

"There is currently no evidence to suggest widespread disease in the wild bird population,

The above comments confirm H5N1 in another dead swan in Dorset (see satellite map).  Because of the enhanced surveillance in the area, the continued detection of H5N1 for the past four weeks is not a surprise.  H5N1 has been detected throughout Europe and the Middle East, including free range turkeys in Suffolk, England.

The multiple detections, including the two in England indicate H5N1 is widespread in wild bird populations, but surveillance is poor.

England has yet to detect H5N1 in healthy wild birds, even in areas such as the swannery, where H5N1 has been present for at least a month, and surveillance is “enhanced”.

H5N1 was detected in two euthanized swans.  However, stress can lead to increases in H5N1 levels, leading to detection.  Moreover, these birds were frozen immediate after they were euthanized, leading to preservation of the virus, which declines as the swans decompose.

Thus, statements of “no evidence” really say little about the presence or absence of H5n1 in wild bird populations in Dorset, because H5N1 is clearly present, and DEFRA’s inability to detect highly pathogenic H5N1 in healthy live wild birds has been evident for years.

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