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US Week 4 Pneumonia & Influenza  Death Rate Dips To 9.4%
Recombinomics Commentary 23:45
February 1, 2013

Week 4 P&I Graph

The above Pneumonia and Influenza (P&I) Death Rate graph includes the week 4 drop to 9.4% from 9.8% in week 3.  The week 4 rate is a full 2% above the epidemic threshold and is the second week in a row where the level was at least 2% above the threshold, and the third week in a row where the level was at least 1% above the threshold.  Moreover, the 9.4% keeps the peak at the highest level since the 2003-04 season.  The severity of the 2003-04 season led to the regulations requiring reporting of lab confirmed pediatric deaths.

As noted, the week 4 rate was linked to 33 cities with at least 10 P&I deaths and a rate of at least 10%, which was similar to the 36 cities meeting those parameters in week 3.  Activity increased in the west, and the Pacific region had the highest P&I rate, in contrast to week 3, when the highest region was New England.

There were 8 more pediatric flu deaths reported in week 4 FluView, but at least 10 additional cases had been reported in state reports, and additional confirmed or probable raised the week 4 FluView total from 45  to 62.

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