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162 Admitted H5N1 Suspect Cases in Northern Iraq

Recombinomics Commentary

February 2, 2006

162 people have been admitted to the diagnosis center on suspicion of contracting the virus

On January 17, a 15-year-old villager in Rania died of the deadly flu.

"Two other citizens have died of the infectious virus while two other cases are in intensive care, in addition to four other cases," Mohammed added.

Al-Hayat reported that a 35-year-old woman identified as Sarya Mirza is being hospitalized in an Erbil hospital on suspicion she has sustained the deadly flu.

The above descriptions indicate the number of human H5N1 cases in Iraq have increased significantly in recent days, including at least one death in addition to the index case and her uncle.  It is unclear if all cases at the diagnostic center have been admitted, but the above descriptions appear to be limited to northern Iraq.  However, other media reports described suspect cases in central and southern Iraq.

In Turkey, human cases were identified across the country, indicating spread was via wild birds.  The rapid spread in suspect cases in Iraq suggests a similar spread by wild birds.  This mechanism is likely because the H5N1 in Turkey has the HA S227N polymorphism, which will allow the H5N1 to grow in birds, but also increase efficiency of infections in humans.

Earlier reports described 12 patients hospitalized with pneumonia.  More information on the clinical presentation of the suspected cases would be useful


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