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US Pediatric Flu Deaths Increase To 62
Recombinomics Commentary 01:00
February 2, 2013

Week 4 Pediatric Flu Deaths

Eight influenza-associated pediatric deaths were reported to CDC during week 4. Five were associated with influenza A (H3) viruses and occurred during weeks 3 and 4 (weeks ending January 19 and 26, 2013), one was associated with an influenza A virus for which the subtype was not determined and occurred during week 4 (week ending January 26, 2013), and two were associated with influenza B viruses and occurred during week 1 (week ending January 5, 2013).

A total of 45 influenza-associated pediatric deaths have been reported during the 2012-2013 season from New York City [1] and 20 states (Arkansas [1], Arizona [1], Colorado [5], Florida [5], Hawaii [1], Indiana [1], Kansas [1], Maine [1], Massachusetts [1], Michigan [4], Minnesota [1], Nebraska [1], New Jersey [4], New York [3], Ohio [1], South Carolina [1], Tennessee [1], Texas [9], Washington [1], and Wisconsin [1]).

The above chart places the 8 pediatric flu deaths reported in the week 4 FluView.  As noted in the above description, the two cases from week 1 were influenza B, while the six more recent cases were influenza A.  These more recent cases begin to represent results fro the large spike in hospitalizations, as well as the P&I spike seen in weeks 3 and 4.  The above list includes the first reported cases in Arizona and Hawaii.

However, the list below shows further increases in weeks 2-4..  These 15 recent cases include the first reported cases from Delaware, Maryland, California, Illinois, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, and Mississippi, indicating the above FluView list of states will grow considerably in the next few weeks.

The 17 cases below increase the number of pediatric cases confirmed or suspected to 62 for this season.

FluView pediatric cases (45)
Wk #   Location
04  8   NJ(2) FL TX(2) CO AZ HI
03  8   NYC FL(2) TX CO(4)
02  9   MA NY(2) OH MN NE TX(2) MI
01  2   KS TX
52  2   MI NY
51  8   AR FL ME MI(2) TX WA WI
50  2   NJ
49  1   TX
48  3   IN FL SC
46  1   TX
41  1   TN

Pediatric deaths not in FluView (17)
03  2   NJ+ NH
02  5   OH+ DE* MD* CA* IL+
52  1   IN
49  1   OH#

* = Lab confirmed
+ = Under investigation
# = Obituary report

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