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Commentary WHO On Guangdong H7N9 Cluster In Huai - 28M
& 5M A 5-year old boy from Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, who became ill on 29 January and admitted to hospital on the same day. He is in a stable condition. The patient has a history of exposure to a live poultry market. The above comments from the February 3 WHO update provide additional detail on the H7N9 bird flu cluster in Huai town in Huaiji in Zhaoqing City in Guangdong Province (see map). The index case (28M) developed symptoms on January 24 and was hospitalized on January 26. Three days later the child (5M, who is likely a contact/son of the index case) developed symptoms and was hospitalized the same day, January 29, strongly suggesting the hospitalization was linked to existence of a relationship between the two Huai residents. This pattern of a mild / stable child being confirmed a day after a severe adult case from an identical location supports a series of clusters associated with these milder / younger cases, as noted for clusters in Jiangyong, Hunan and Sanjiaozan, Guangdong. However, the relationships between the confirmed cases define these clusters, and sequences have not been released. This lack of transparency raises serious pandemic concerns. Recombinomics
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