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Guangdong Familial H7N9 Cluster In Huai Confirmed
Recombinomics Commentary 21:30
February 2, 2014

  Town in Huaiji two children are cousins ​​relationship, this is a family cluster of cases, "two siblings living together, the grandmother band, on the top floor there are over 20 home raising chickens, including eight from just 10 days before the onset of the local market to buy back. had two children together with her grandmother reared chickens to feed the family, we kept in the family attic H7N9 virus nucleic acid environment of positive samples detected in chickens and two children in the same incubation period of the disease, the two children can basically determine the likelihood of exposure to a common large, no evidence of efficient human-to-human transmission.
The above translation (from a widely reported story in China) confirms the familial relationship between the two children (5M and 4F who are cousins living in the same home),  The above comment note that the two children developed symptoms on or about January 29 ( as cited in the WHO update) signaling a common source.  While the above comments claim that the common source is the H7N9 positive chickens in the home, the report is silent on the initial case (28M) who developed symptoms on January 24 and was hospitalized on January 26, three days prior to the disease onset dates for the two children.

The confirmation of H7N9 in a severe adult leads to monitoring of contacts.  The hospitalization of the older child one day after disease onset, and the “stable” condition strongly suggests that early hospitalization and treatment was due to the relationship between the children and the H7N9 confirmed adult, who was also from Huai town in Huaiji in Zhaoqing City in Guangdong Province (see map).

More information on the relationship between the severe case (28M) and the two children (5M & 4F), as well as the relationship between his home and that of the children, would be useful.  Release of sequences from all three H7N9 confirmed Huai cases would also be useful.

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