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H1N1 Oseltamivir Resistance in Taiwan During 2008-2009
Recombinomics Commentary 08:44
February 5, 2009

In the past 3 weeks (January 11-31 2009), influenza activity increased rapidly in Taiwan.  Currently, the influenza A/H1N1 viruses have become the predominant subtype, and H3N2 viruses also co-circulated. During 2007-2008 flu season, influenza A/H1N1 viruses predominantly circulated in Taiwan and the viruses were all sensitive to Oseltamivir.  However, starting from September to December in 2008, an average of 46% resistance (22/48), with the H274Y mutation in the NA, was detected by Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (Taiwan CDC).  The more detailed month-to-month proportion figures of resistant viruses are as follows: 0% (0/21) from January to August, 11.1 % (2/18) in September, 27.3 % (3/11) in October, 66.7 % (2/3) in November, and 100% (15/15) in December. It seems that there was a fast increasing trend of Oseltamivir resistance in Taiwan from September 2008.

Ho-Sheng Wu, Ph.D.
Director, Research and Diagnostic Center
Director, National Influenza Center
Centers for Disease Control, Taiwan

Recombinomics thanks Dr Wu for the first hand knowledge on the evolving influenza situation in Taiwan.

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