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Guangxi Imported H7N9 Cluster In Hengxian - 41F & 5M
Recombinomics Commentary 19:00
February 5, 2014

Patients Li Moumou, female, 41 years old, Heng Xu Zhen Tao people since January 27 flu symptoms in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, Jan. 28 return Heng, February 3 sicker due to cross County Hospital for treatment. At 13:15 on February 4, the autonomous regional Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, detection review, the patient sample nucleic acid samples positive for H7N9.
Gan Moumou, male, 5 years old, Heng Tao Xu Zhen bayberry village (for the input of patient Li Moumou children ) . The evening of 3 February 2014 cough, fever and other flu-like symptoms. February 5 in the afternoon, autonomous medical expert group is now working with medical experts in Nanning treatment plan. Currently, the patient is conscious, in stable condition.

The above translation from the February 4 and February 5 H7N9 bird flu updates from the Guangxi Department of Health identifies two confirmed H7N9 case (41F & 5M).  The two cases create a pattern seen in earlier cluster in Guangdong and Hunan provinces, where the index case is hospitalized several days after disease onset (6 days for the above case, 41F), which is followed by a child (5M) from the identical location who is hospitalized 0-2 days after disease onset, with relatively mild conditions.  This pattern yields cases that are reported within  1-2 days of each other, but with significant differences in disease onset dates (8 days for the above cluster) signaling human to human (H2H) transmission within the cluster.

The H2H transmission is further supported because this is an imported case.  The index case developed symptoms while in Zhongshan City in Guangdong Province, but was diagnosed in Hengxian in Guangxi Province (see map).  However, the child developed symptoms a week after the adult returned to Hengxian., signaling H2H transmission.

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