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H3N2v Swine Flu Case Confirmed In Long An Vietnam
Recombinomics Commentary 09:15
February 15, 2012

As reported by the National Influenza Center - Pasteur Institute of Ho. Ho Chi Minh, influenza surveillance system key southern countries found cases of A/H3N2 flu originated from pigs.

This is a new 2-year-old female patients in Duoc, Long An influenza have been treated at Children's Hospital 1 and then cured. Samples of these patients have been tested in a laboratory at the CDC standard WHO official - the United States and has been confirmed.

Yang said, this is the first case reported in Vietnam A/H3N2 flu originated from pigs. This slight movement of cases and no evidence of transmission from person to person.

The above translation describe the first case (2F) of H3N2v in Vietnam (Duoc, Long An).  In contrast to earlier reports, which described similar cases in the United States, this report describes a PCR confirmed case in the Mekong Delta region in southern Vietnam.

As noted earlier, there are 6 sets of public sequences from H3N2v in swine, isolated in 2010 (A/swine/Binh Duong/03_06/2010, A/swine/Binh Duong/03_08/2010, A/swine/Binh Duong/03_09/2010, A/swine/Binh Duong/03_10/2010, A/swine/Binh Duong/03_13/2010, A/swine/Binh Duong/03_14/2010). All six isolates are closely related and have human H3 and N2 genes, with swine internal genes that are generally more closely related to H3N2v swine sequences in Asia (South Korea and Hong Kong).

However, Hong Kong has released 3 sets of sequences from Guangxi and Hong Kong (A/swine/Guangxi/NS2783/2010, A/swine/Hong Kong/2503/2011, A/swine/Hong Kong/NS2439/2011) , which have similar H3 and N2 human genes surrounding six internal genes from H1N1pdm09. In the United States, all 12 of the H3N2v sequences in humans in 2011 have an H1N1pdm09 M gene. Prior H3N2v cases in the United States have PB1 E618D, which is not in the swine isolates from Vietnam, but is in the new sequences from Hong Kong and China, since E618D is in virtually all H1N1pdm09 PB1 sequences.

The above report does not cite swine contact, so the origin of the infection is far from clear.  H3N2v in Vietnam is readily distinguished from H3N2v in the United States.

Information on the constellation of genes in the case in Vietnam would be useful.

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