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Suspect H5N1 Cluster In East Java Indonesia
Recombinomics Commentary 14:30
February 17, 2012

Outbreaks of bird flu again attacked chickens in residential Wahidin Road South, RT 2, RT3 / RW III Petamanan Village, District of South Bugul, Makati City.

At least 80 chickens died suddenly from a week ago. In addition to attacking the chicken, the bird flu outbreak is believed to have infected a number of residents in these settlements. A total of five people are known to suffer from the disease with symptoms of fever, bone pain, and shortness of breath.

As experienced Ponimah (52). Since three days ago, he felt the symptoms of shortness of breath, cough, runny nose, watery eyes, and bone pain.

The above translation describes a suspect H5N1 cluster near Pasuruan, south of Surabaya in East Java, Indonesia.  Addition reports indicate the poultry associated with the suspect cases has tested positive for H5N1.
Symptoms in 5 residents in area raise concerns of increased transmission. 

The report being delayed at Science from the Ron Fouchier lab in the Netherlands used a clade 2.1 sequence from Indonesia to generate a transmissible H5N1 in a ferret model, which maintained its lethality.  After ten passes in ferrets, the transmitting H5N1 had 5 changes in two genes.

Release of five changes in this manuscript is long overdue.

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