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Shanxi H5N1 Clade 7 Changes Raise Pandemic Concerns
Recombinomics Commentary 20:31
February 24, 2009

China's National Avian Infleunza Reference Laboratory at Harbin have deposited two new gene sequences (HA and NS) for the clade 7 isolate, A/chicken/Shanxi/2/2006, from the 2006 outbreak in Shanxi.  In addition to changes in several single nucleotide polymorphisms, the new HA sequence has the 3 BP deletion that is in two other clade 7 sequences from Hunan, A/chicken/Hunan/2246/2006 and A/chicken/Hunan/2292/2006.  This deletion is also in 12 clade 2.2 sequences from Egypt, including human isolates from the 2006/2007 season as well as the 2007/2008. The sharing of the identical 3 BP deletion by isolates from two distinct H5N1 clades provides compelling evidence for acquisition via homologous recombination.  Moreover, sequences with the 3 BP deletion, as well as other sequences from Egypt, including sequences from vaccine resistant isolates share additional polymorphisms with the Shanxi sequence.

The new interest in the Shanxi sequence by the National Labs at Harbin adds to the circumstantial evidence that most or all of the six confirmed cases not discussed in the recent WHO report on H5N1 vaccine targets are clade 7, which was also reported for the Jiangsu poultry outbreak in China at the end of the year.

Although the WHO report did not discuss clade 7 in China, the variation in clade 7 in Vietnam was discussed because of the low cross reactivity between 2008 clade 7 isolates.  The reduced cross reactivity between clade 7 isolates from the same country and year signals rapid evolution of clade 7, and the limited cross reactivity with antisera directed against clade 1 or clade 2 increases concerns.

The concerns regarding the rapid evolution of clade 7 in Vietnam are increased by the failure of WHO to discuss the six confirmed cases in China, including the Beijing isolate. A/Beijing/1/2009, which was from a fatal infection that began just after the clade 7 outbreak in Jiangsu.

Moreover, the sharing of polymorphisms between vaccine resistant clade 7 in China, and vaccine resistant clade 2.2 in Egypt raises concerns that these polymorphisms are being exported from China via migratory birds, contributing to worldwide vaccine failure.

Release of the 2009 human H5N1 sequences in China, Vietnam, and Egypt would be useful.

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