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H3N2 Vaccine Breakthrough In Queensland Australia
Recombinomics Commentary 14:50
February 25, 2011

The WHO regional center in Australia has released a series of HA H3N2 sequences from November / December, 2010 isolates from northeastern Queensland  (at GISAID) designated as low reactors (see list below) when tested against ferret anti-sera directed against A/Perth/16/2009.  Several of the isolates were also characterized as originating from clusters, and several of the patients had been vaccinated in 2010.

These isolates represent significant vaccine breakthrough.  The sequences are from the sub-clade that emerged in early 2010.  The first public sequence was A/Pennsylvania/02/2010, but this sub-clade has become dominant in the northern hemisphere and has been occasionally designated as a low reactor by various labs, including the CDC.  A series of related sequences was also just released by the Air Force, which were also collected from vaccinated hosts.

However, only three H3N2 isolates from the United States (1%) have been designated as low reactors by the CDC.  Moreover, a second isolate from the Australia series, A/Townsville/87/2010, was not designated as a low reactor even though the HA sequence was identical to the subsequent sequence that was designated as a low reactor.
Moreover, the recent recommendation to WHO was to leave the H3N2 target, A/Perth/16/2009 unchanged for the 2011/2012 flu season in the northern hemisphere, which is largely based upon the inconsistent and unreliable antigen characterization test.

The data reveal fatal flaws in the vaccine selection procedure used by WHO and the CDC, wqhich continues to put the world’s population at risk.
A/TOWNSVILLE/106/2010  Mossman
A/TOWNSVILLE/105/2010  Thursday Island
A/TOWNSVILLE/104/2010  Thursday Island
A/TOWNSVILLE/102/2010  Horn Island
A/TOWNSVILLE/100/2010  Wujal Wujal vaccinated
A/TOWNSVILLE/98/2010  Hopevale
A/TOWNSVILLE/97/2010  Thursday Island vaccinated
A/TOWNSVILLE/93/2010  Bamaga 
A/TOWNSVILLE/92/2010  Thursday Island Vaccinated
A/TOWNSVILLE/87/2010  Naprunum vaccinated
A/TOWNSVILLE/86/2010  Cairns

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