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Maryland Death Cluster H3 Confirmed
Recombinomics Commentary 16:30
March 7, 2012

Initial testing of two of four family members in Lusby, three of whom have died, suggests that that the serious lung infection suffered by all four was a complication of seasonal flu. A fourth family member remains hospitalized at Washington Hospital Center and is improving.

The above comments from the latest update from the Calvert County Health Department website indicate the Calvert County, Maryland death cluster was linked to seasonal influenza.  A call to the health department indicates the state lab obtained an H3 serotype.  However, it remains unclear if the H3 is Perth/16-like and recognized by the current H3N2 vaccine or a "low reactor” as described in the week 8 FluView.

Moreover, it remains unclear if this is a Perth/16 variant or an H3N2v which gives and H3 positive on the CDC PCR test.  H3N2v has D225G, which is associated with patients coughing up blood.

More detail on the PCR testing and sequences from the CDC would be useful.

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