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H1N1 Tamiflu Resistance and D225G In 2010 Greek Case
Recombinomics Commentary 9:44
March 10, 2010

Recently released HA sequences from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki at Genbank in a report entitled “Molecular and phylogenetic analysis of the haemagglutinin gene of pandemic influenza H1N1 2009 viruses associated with severe and fatal infections” includes 9 sequences from 2010 and 3 have D225G.  One (8F) of the three, A/Thessaloniki/225/2010, was also Tamiflu resistant (H274Y).  Although the clinical status of each patient was not included, the title of the submission suggests that these samples were from severe and fatal cases.

In addition to the three cases from 2010, three additional cases, had D225G in samples collected in mid-November, again pointing toward higher frequencies of D225G in more recent cases. Late October through mid November collections form autopsy lung in Ukraine had 27/37 samples positive for D225G. D225N, or both.  The sequences from Greece were from upper respiratory tract collections.  D225G in lung samples may have been detected at a higher frequency.

In Norway, samples with D225G were exclusively found in severe (3) or fatal (8) patients, which were statistically significant.

The three samples positive for D225G in 2010 represents the highest number reported from one country in 2010, which includes the first report in 2010 of D225G and H274Y in the same patients.  Last year D225G with H274Y was reported in patients in France and the United States, including the Duke death cluster.

Specific patient outcomes and testing of samples from the lower respiratory tract would be useful.

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