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More Media Myths On Beta2c Coronavirus Animal Links
Recombinomics Commentary 20:45
March 20, 2013

The latest victim, a 39-year-old Saudi, died March 2 after visiting a farm with goats, camels and sheep outside the Saudi capital, Riyadh, deputy health minister Ziad Memish said in an interview. Saudi families know such suburban farms as istirahas, and countless Saudi families with the means keep such rural homes as weekend retreats.

Two other of those infected, a Saudi and a Qatari, also had visited farms—one with sick goats—shortly before falling ill, Dr. Memish said. Saudi health officials are monitoring the animals, but haven't yet seen enough proof to establish links between the farm animals and the outbreaks, or to call for quarantines, he said.

The above comments once again cite links between nCoV cases and animals.  However, the vast majority of the nCoV confirmed cases and all of the nCoV probable cases have no such link, yet all five of the nCoV sequences are closely related to each other and easily distinguished from bat sequences, the only beta 2c animal sequences reported to date.

Moreover, none of the above animal examples have been shown to be infected with beta 2c, and any such examples are likely due to humans infecting animals.

The animal links have been a distraction based on initial cases as well as the over sampling of bat guano for coronavirus testing, which is linked to the SARS outbreak in 2002/2003 which involved beta 2b sequences which were in animals in live markets, which were absent from those species in the wild.  The matches suggested beta 2b SARS-CoV jumped species in live markets, but also did not exclude infections of the animals by humans.

The only known bat beta 2c sequences are evoluntionarily decades away from the human sequences and are not a source of recent human infections.

The sick animal stories deflect attention from the serious concerns linked to mild human cases which are widespread and remain hazardous to the world’s health.

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