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UAE Beta2c Coronavirus Fatal Case In Munich Germany
Recombinomics Commentary 13:30
March 26, 2013

The Munich-patient did not make it, the death virus has claimed another victim: The infected with the novel coronavirus in the Schwabing Hospital last night has died, confirm Municipal Hospital and city.

The above translation notes the death of the UAE case (73M) who was diagnosed and treated in Munich.  The death was also noted in an updated table of cases by the Robert Koch Institute.  The patient was  the 17th confirmed nCoV case.  Outcomes are known for 16 of the cases (the 49M from Qatar has been hospitalized in the UK for 6 months) and the death of 11 produces a case fatality rate of 68.8%. 

However, this high death rate is linked to testing and reporting on severe cases and contacts.  13 of the first 15 confirmed cases were admitted to the ICU, while the two who were not admitted were relatives of fatal cases.  In addition, the most recent case from Saudi Arabia has been discharged and characterized as mild.  This case was also a contact of a confirmed fatal case, which is also true for a probable case linked to an SARS-like ICU cluster in Jordan.  That probable case recovered without treatment or hospitalization, but was also linked to two fatal confirmed cases.  Thus, all mild cases (those not requiring ICU admission) reported to date have been identified because they were contacts of fatal cases.

Moreover, reports out of Saudi Arabia describe additional mild cases, which are concentrated in Jeddah, but have not been reported.  These are in addition to probable cases in Jordan and Riyadh which have been reported by WHO.  The 11 probable cases as well as an unreported number of mild cases in Jeddah would significantly lower the CFR because none of the probable or unreported mild cases have died.

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