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Paradigm Shift Intervention Monitoring | Commentary
Large Suspect H5N1Cluster in Central Java Indonesia Recombinomics Commentary 14:34 April 5, 2008 The seven residents suspect AI have the initials Ar,45, Wh,24, Sn,35, Jm, 40, Dp, 9, Hn, 35, and Ks, 34. Dinas Kesehatan (Dinkes) suspected them tertular the virus H5N1 because all the victim experienced the sign similar to bird flu like the cough, breathless, the temperature of the body on 38 Celcius levels, had a headache, and pilek. At this time, the casualties were still undergoing the intensive maintenance in the Singorojo Community Health Centre. The above translation describes the hospitalization of seven suspect bird flu patients in Kendal in Central Java, Indonesia. Large clusters are common in Indonesia, and confirmation is limited by Tamiflu treatment. The largest confirmed cluster reported to date in Indonesia was the Karo cluster in Sumatra. The largest unconfirmed cluster was the Garut cluster in West Java In the past testing and treatment was largely limited to patients transferred to large infectious disease hospitals. Distribution of Tamiflu to community center, such as the one described above, allows for earlier treatment, but may decrease the number of confirmed cases. Media Links Recombinomics Presentations Recombinomics Publications Recombinomics Paper at Nature Precedings |
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