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H7 Q226I In H7N9 In Hangzhou
Recombinomics Commentary 15:00
April 5, 2013

The  Hangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention has released a set of sequences (H7, N9, MP) from a recent case, A/Hangzhou/1/2013 at GISAID.  They are to be commended for the rapid release of these very important sequences.

As expected, all three genes are closely related to the first three sets of sequences, A/Shanghai/1/2013, A/Shanghai/2/2013, and A/Anhui/1/2013, and are closer to the two more recent cases.

The two more recent collections, from the case in Shanghai (27M) and Anhui (35F), had a key receptor binding domain change, Q226L, which was also seen in initial H2N2 sequences from the 1957 pandemic and H3N2 sequences from the 1968 pandemic. 

This change was introduced into all three H5N1 bird flu sequences used in transmission experiments, and prior to the above two cases, was never reported in any H5 or H7 sequences, raising serious pandemic concerns.

The latest sequence, A/Hangzhou/1/2013 was collected on March 24, and has changed Q226L to L226I, which is in current seasonal H3N2, signaling further human adaptation and increasing pandemic concerns.

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