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WHO's Vague Report On Beta2c Coronavirus Cluster In Al-Ahsa
Recombinomics Commentary 23:00
May 2, 2013

The Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia has informed WHO of seven new laboratory confirmed cases of infection with the novel coronavirus (nCoV), including five deaths.

Two patients are currently in critical condition.
Preliminary investigation show no indication of recent travel or animal contact of any of the confirmed cases. The confirmed cases are not from the same family.

The above comments are from the WHO update on the Al Ahsa cluster.  As expected, the report contains no age, gender, or disease onset data for any of the cases.  Similarly, there is no information on the relationships between the cases, other than the statement that they do not belong to the same family.  The large number of fatal cases suggest that the actual cluster (see map) is larger than the seven confirmed cases, and it is likely that all or most have some sort of relationship, such as seen in the Jordan ICU cluster.
Although that cluster happened over a year ago, WHO has never cited the number of probable cases, or the age and disease onset dates for any of the cases, in spite of doing an in depth epidemiological study.
WHO’s failure or unwillingness to provide the most basic information on a reportable disease like a novel coronavirus with a case fatality rate above 67%, and its ongoing dysfunction, continue to be hazardous to the world’s health.

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