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Paradigm Shift Intervention Monitoring | Audio: Jan28 Apr21
Commentary Another Fatal H5N1 Cluster In Jakarta Recombinomics Commentary 13:05 May 14, 2008 Jakarta - the Aisyah Tear was still being not yet really dry when the son of the number of his seven, Ahmad Rizki (15), died. Ten days afterwards, the Aisyah tear again streamed down swift because of his child who was other, Istiqomah (16), also following died. He said, on Thursday May 8 2008 the night was brought to RS Gandaria with the assumption of early contracted typhus. Istiqomah was forced to be carried to RS because high fiver achieved 38 levels. Then on Sunday night, the adolescent was carried to RS Persahabatan and was stated positive bird flu. 10 days ago, his brother (Ahmad Rizki) also died. His sign same, the high fever, the cough, and limp. He was carried to RS Gandaria. The above translation describes a lab confirmed fatal H5N1 cluster in Jakarta. Like previous cases, the initial diagnosis was typhus. However, the above translation indicates H5N1 has been lab confirmed in one member of the cluster. Once again no sample was taken from the index case, and once again the index case has died with bird flu symptoms. Similar clusters were reported in March. In one cluster the index cases had respiratory problems and in the other case the index case was mis-diagnosed as dengue fever. The second case in each cluster became of WHO confirmed case, but the index case in each cluster was not. These clusters in Indonesia remain a cause for concern, as does the continuing failure to test the index cases in the clusters. Media Links Recombinomics Presentations Recombinomics Publications Recombinomics Paper at Nature Precedings |
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