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Spike In US Region III Emergency Influenza-Like Illness Cases

Recombinomics Commentary 14:40
May 14, 2011

The International Society for Disease Surveillance maintain as website which charts Emergency Department influenza-like illness (ILI) visits for all regions in the US, including additional data for individual states and localities.  The chart for Region III has a sharp uptick in cases for the past two reporting weeks to levels seen in early 2011.  This spike was not seen in charts from PA, MD, VA, indicating the sharp increase was concentrated in the three remaining regions (DE, WV, DC).

ILI Chart Region III
This week Delaware reported a sharp increase in Tamiflu resistant H1N1, raising concerns that such cases were causing severe disease.  There were eight such cases reported in the past week, with hospitalization status given for four of the cases.  Three of the four had been hospitalized and one died, raising concerns that the Tamiflu resistant (H274Y) H1N1 was causing severe disease.

Sequence data for the first three cases in Delaware indicated the HA had S188T and A189T signaling recombination between two dominant sub-clades.  A189T is present in the Chihuahua sub-clade, which has been identified in Maryland and that isolate, A/Maryland/04/2011, was Tamiflu resistant.

Collection dates on the eight cases reported in the past week, as well as sequence data for these cases and H274Y cases in adjacent states, including Maryland, would be useful.

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