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Paradigm Shift Intervention Monitoring | Commentary . Human Bird Flu Deaths Increase to 121 in Qinghai China? Recombinomics Commentary May 25, 2005 >> Yongfeng: 6 infections, 8 deaths Hongshan: 9 infections, 6 deaths Zheyiguodong: 9 infections, 12 deaths Shangyou: 3 infections, 11 deaths Yikekulan: 3 infections, 11 deaths Maiduosaizhe: 7 infections, 6 deaths Zhihema: 3 infections, 9 deaths Quanji: 6 infections, 9 deaths Gangcha dasi: 3 infections, 8 deaths Shairiniang: 3 infections, 6 deaths Nanbiquguo: 2 infections, 3 deaths Qiankuoer: 3 infections, 9 deaths Zhanjiang: 2 infections, 7 deaths Haowuluo: 4 infections, 7 deaths Legemurinaqiong: 3 infections, 1 death Qiejijiangkeri: 2 infections, 3 deaths Xima: 6 infections, 3 deaths Xiaobeihu: 4 infections, 1 death The above is the data reported by the government on 24 May, provided by an individual on the inside. << The above edited list of 121 deaths and 79 infections in the Qinghai Lake area clearly meets the WHO definition of clusters of unexplained deaths. It would seem that more than a few phone calls and letters to Beijing is in order. The previously reported 121 H5N1 infections now appear to be 121 deaths, with 11 confirmed as H5N1. In any event, independent verification should be a top priority. Since there has now been a news blackout imposed, it is clearly time for some boots on the ground, so to speak, to investigate the situation. There are also reports of bodies being cremated. If the above list remotely resembles reality of H5N1 infections and deaths, the final phase 6 of the 2005 bird flu pandemic has clearly begun. Media source |
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