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Paradigm Shift Intervention Monitoring | Commentary Yogjakarta H5N1 Sequences Similar to Human Tangerang Recombinomics Commentary May 29, 2006 The recent earthquake near Yogjakarta has focused attention on H5N1 bird flu. There are two public sequences on isolates from Yogijakarta listed below. They were both isolated in 2004 and are most closely related to each other. However, a number of polymorphisms in HA are shared by a small number of isolates which are all in Indonesia. Included in this group is the only human H5N1 HA sequence publicly available. As described earlier, the human sequences is a related to the Wajo isolate. Recently new H5N1 isolates from birds in Indonesia have been made public and included in the list are those closely related to the bird isolates from Wajo, Yogijakarta, and the human sequence. Although these sequences are closest to the human sequence, none contain the novel HA cleavage site found in almost all human and a cat sequence from West Java. DQ497651 A/chicken/Gunung Kidal/BBVW/2005 2005 H5N1 DQ497643 A/chicken/Magetan/BBVW/2005 2005 H5N1 DQ320933 A/chicken/Wajo/BBVM/2005 2005 H5N1 DQ497659 A/duck/Parepare/BBVM/2005 2005 H5N1 ISDN125873 A/Indonesia/5/05 2005 H5N1 DQ320930 A/chicken/Yogjakarta/BBVet-IX/2004 2004 H5N1 DQ497649 A/quail/Yogjakarta/BBVet-IX/2004 2004 H5N1 Map |
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