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New Suspect H5N1 Bird Flu Cluster in Bandung Indonesia

Recombinomics Commentary

May 29, 2006

The patient, according to him, has been given by medical treatment and was done by the inspection of blood, the throat and other. The sample of the patient's inspection will be sent to Jakarta, on Monday (29/5) and when positive results, will be given by medical treatment in the first stage. "Hopefully, his condition continued to improve.

Moreover tomorrow him, on Friday (26/5), his brother-in-law who worked as the driver in a company, has wrought again as usual. However, on Saturday (27/5), his brother-in-law again was hot and breathless. Finally my brother-in-law was brought to the community health centre. "But from puskemas even was reconciled to RSHS Bandung," he revealed.

It was further that LK explained, his brother's family and himself did not maintain the poultry, like the chicken or birds. However the neighbour in his house environment, indeed many that maintained the chicken. Moreover, in his area also had the poultry farm. Nevertheless, had not spread the news had the chicken that died.

But on Saturday, last May 27 had the chicken inspection from the Livestock Breeding Service. These chickens were gathered from each RT. results of the inspection, he said had eight positive chickens was affected by bird flu and was destroyed

The above translation describes a new suspect H5N1 bird flu family cluster in Bandung in West Java.  The new cluster is near the fatal familial cluster that was just confirmed by WHO.  The new WHO website shows the earlier confirmed H5N1 positive cases in West Java, which has had 13 cases of which 10 were fatal..

H5N1 isolated from these patients has a novel cleavage site, as do most of the isolates from Jakarta and Tangerang.

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