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New Suspect H5N1 Bird Flu Case in Medan Indonesia

Recombinomics Commentary

June 8, 2006

One of the citizen's pre-schoolers Street. Sisingamangaraja Medan is currently treated in RSUP H Adam the Medan Owner resulting from Suspect bird flu. Casualties were reconciled from RS Elisabeth, on Wednesday (7/6).

"During at this time casualties were not yet installed respiratory aids, but Adam's side the Owner continue to supervised for 24 hours about the development of the condition for casualties. If being seen from the sign that was experienced by casualties, almost was the same as the condition for the citizen of the Simbelang Fortification the patient of the bird flu sufferer," said Adnan.

The above translation describes a 2 year old resident of Medan who has bird flu symptoms and was transferred from RS Elizabeth to RSUP Adam Malik, the infectious disease hospital where members of the large cluster were treated and two health care workers developed symptoms.

The article does not link the child to the prior cases.  The cluster was the largest and most deadly in Indonesia and included the first confirmed H5N1 bird flu cases in North Sumatra.

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