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Soaring Death Rate in Buenos Aires Raises Pandemic Concerns
Recombinomics Commentary 18:03
June 27, 2009

"We're seeing the placement of young patients, between 15 and 50 years with pneumonia, some rapidly evolving towards a gravity which for many is unusual, in which the lung is' fire 'in a matter of hours," said Dr. Jorge San Juan, head of the Department of Intensive Care Hospital Muñiz.

This has led to patients with these characteristics begin to be treated in an increasingly aggressive. THE NATION As reported yesterday, doctors from the Ministry of Health received the directive to take, from now on, all cases of influenza and potential influenza A (H1N1), with the recommendation to perform chest radiographs for patients with symptoms of fever and fatigue and internal quickly to all suffering from pneumonia.

"The bodies were viscera, meninges and brain swollen, a little common factor in death from influenza. Additionally, the lungs were in bad shape, with some spots we could not identify. The studies sent pathology, "said the coroner who asked not to publicize his name until the health authorities take note of it found.

The above translation describes patients in and around Buenos Aires (see updated map).  In the past few days 26 confirmed fatalities have been reported as well as 15 additional probable fatalities.  H1N1 infections of swine on a nearby farm (see map) has also been described in an OIE report.

The targeted population, as well as the description of the rapid deterioration sounds remarkably like reports on the 1918 pandemic.

Sequence data on these patients and swine would be useful.  It is the beginning of flu season in Argentina, and the potential for the evolution of a more virulent pandemic H1N1 looms large.

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