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Another H5N1 Confirmed Fatality in Tangerang Indonesia
Recombinomics Commentary 19:34
July 13, 2008

A resident Belendung, Kecamatan Benda, of Kota Tangerang, Banten, the USA (37) that died last July 10 was stated positive terjangkit the virus of kind bird flu H5N1.

The executive the Task of the Sub Dinas Pemberantasan Head and the Prevention of the Illness and Lingkungan Sanitation (P2PL) the Kesehatan Service of the Tangerang City, Ati Pramudji Hastuti, on Sunday (13/7), said results of the blood inspection by the Departemen Laboratory of the Health showed that the USA died because positive was infected by the bird flu virus.

The USA that lived in Street Kyai the Pilgrim Kuding RT 04/07 the Blendung Village, the Object, Tangerang, that blew out the last breath in the Public Hospital (RSU) Tangerang (10/7).

Before dying, the USA experienced was sick with the condition for the high fever, the difficult cough, and breathless since Monday (5/7),

The above translation described another lab confirmed H5N1 case in Tangerang.  This should be reported to WHO within 24-48 hours per IHR requirements.

WHO generally issues a situation update shortly after receiving confirmation from the affected country.

Failure to publish a situation update from Indonesia this week will be cause for concern.

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