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H1N1 S188T Dominant In Southern Hemisphere
Recombinomics Commentary 18:10
July 20, 2011

The CDC released another series of H1N1 sequences from 2011.  A subset was from the United States, but most sequences were from the southern hemisphere.  The majority of these sequences were from the sub-clade with S188T, which was the dominant sub-clade in the northern hemisphere in the 2010/2011 season.

The sequences did not include new Chihuahua isolates or those with Tamiflu resistance (H274Y or S246N), but the number of sequences were limited and it is not clear how represented they were.  In the prior release the sequences included two from Mexico, but neither were the Chihuahua sub-clade, the most common 2011 sequence released by the national labs in Mexico, although one of the two sequences did have D225N, but on the genetic background with S186P.  The presence of D225N, which in the past has been rare, on another genetic background raises concerns that D225N is becoming more common, as indicated in anecdotal reports.

The latest sequences, again included no data from Delaware or Maryland.  The four most recent H1N1 sequences from each state had H274Y and phylogenetic analysis supported increases due to recombination as well as clonal expansion.  Moreover, Delaware report 10 additional cases with H274Y, as reported to them by the CDC, but the CDC had yet to release sequences from these additional cases, which almost certainly would extend the data from the 8 earlier cases.  The absence of any additional data from the 10 lab confirmed cases, raises concerns that the sequences being released are not representative of the more recent data generated by the CDC.

Release of sequences from the Delaware and Maryland, as well as more sequences from Mexico and other collections from the southern hemisphere would be useful.

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