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Confirmed H3N2v Case in Maui Hawaii
Recombinomics Commentary 12:00
August 1, 2012

The H3N2v virus identified in this case shares genetic similarities to variant flu viruses which have been identified in several other states in the past year.
The above comments are from the Hawaii Department of Health press release describing the confirmed H3N2v case.  The Maui patient had swine contact according to media reports, and the suspect swine herd is being tested.  The swine originated in California.

The above comments strongly suggest that the H3N2v is closely related to human cases, but does not distinguish between in constellation in the first 10 cases in 2011, and the constellation seen in all most recent public sequences (A/West Virginia/06/2011, A/West Virginia/07/2011, A/Utah/10/2012, A/Indiana/07/2012, A/Indiana/09/2012).

In addition to the above H3N2v sequences from confirmed human cases, two additional cases at the LaPorte County fair have been reported, as well as 12 of 12 swine, including asymptomatic swine

In addition to confirmed swine at the LaPorte County fair, symptomatic swine and people have now been reported at the Monroe County Fair in Indiana, as well as symptomatic swine in Jackson and Hendricks counties.

Access to the swine barn at the Monroe County Fair has been limited. 

The Indiana State fair is scheduled to begin on Friday.

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