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H5N1 Bird Flu In Europe?

Recombinomics Commentary

August 2, 2005

Avian flu is approaching the Sverdlov area [Yekaterinburg]. Dangerous virus already pronik on territory Ural Federation Oblast. This week began to behave communications about discovering of infected birds in Tyumen and Kurganskoi areas.

The above machine translation suggests H5N1 may have already entered Europe.  Yekaterinburg is in the Ural Mountains about 50 miles from the Kurgan Region.  If infected birds were in the Kurgan Region when the Russian media report was written, those birds should have already reached the Ural Mountains.  The Kurgan region is southwest of the Tyumen region and would mark the furthest reported point to the west for the migration from Chany Lake in the Novosibirsk area

Russia just announced a quarantine of all poultry, further supporting the level of concern.  Regardless of whether H5N1 enters Europe today or in the next few days, it is likely to run though the continent and inflict considerable economic and psychological damage.

Since the migration has not started for most of the waterfowl in Qinghai and Chany Lakes regions, it seems likely that the rapid spread of H5N1 across Russia will be reported throughout Asia and beyond.

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