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Cited H3N2v Cases At Monroe County Fair
Recombinomics Commentary 12:15
August 2, 2012

 this is not fun, went to fair sunday morning felt symptoms monday morning and was puking by 5pm monday. it wasn't until this story broke that i couldn,t figure out where i could of contracted any thing. I cannot remember the last I was sick enough to puke.the puking was a result of intense coughing, my whole upper chest and sinuses is all stopped up, coughing, aches, runny nose, it is all respiratory sorry i may have come off that i was sick to my stomach, far from it

My nephew has been showing a pig at the fair This morning him and his brother both had a really bad score throat and one had a fever. Now I'm little worried.

I would like to know how many children are sick. My kid has had a fever since yesterday, and has some sort of nasty respiratory thing going on. We spent all weekend at the fairgrounds, and while he wasn't showing a pig, he certainly spent plenty of time in the swine barn looking at and petting pigs. We hope he is well enough to attend the auction with his animal Thursday, but we're not counting on it.

Our doctor just confirmed that our kid has swine flu. The doctor wants the whole house to take a round of Tamiflu, along with anyone who was in close contact with him since he started showing symptoms, even though he's the only one who is sick. The difference in the way we were handled between the time we arrived and when the lab confirmed the results was huge. When we arrived, we got joking around and human interaction. When the lab called, they stood at the doorway of the room and gave us instructions without coming back in the room, and kept everything super brief. I don't blame them.
Did you child attend the fair?
He was there Thursday and Friday evening dropping his animals off and taking care of them and all day Saturday and Sunday showing them. He didn't show pigs, but was in the pig barn several times and touched the pigs at the petting zoo. I'm sure he touched the pigs in the pig barn, too. It's airborne, though, so direct contact isn't necessary.

Was at the fair all day today and also Monday. All the pigs were gone today and people were cleaning the area. I did see a little boy in the area of the hog pen with presumably his mother and he was bent over vomiting all over the concrete. It appeared they were there helping with the clean up. I assumed the boy was sick from the pigs...but I don't really know.

The above comments were posted to a media report on influenza-like illness in swine and attendees at the Monroe County Fair in Indiana.  The comments describe at least six attendees with flu-like symptoms, including a diagnosis of flu.

H3N2v has been confirmed in LaPorte and Jackson counties in Indiana as well as Butler county in Ohio in recent days, strongly suggesting that the symptomatic swine and attendees at the Monroe County Fair were also H3N2v infected.

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