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H3N2v Confirmed in Swine At Ohio State Fair
Recombinomics Commentary 05:15
August 3, 2012

Following confirmation of variant influenza in exhibitors from the Butler County Fair, the Ohio Department of Agriculture today ordered two pigs to be sent home from the Ohio State Fair after both tested positive for H3N2 variant influenza. Increased monitoring of hog health will continue through the end of the Ohio State Fair on Sunday.

In response to the illnesses in Butler County, State Veterinarian Dr. Tony Forshey had veterinarians monitoring hogs at the Ohio State Fair and taking the temperatures of any that looked ill. Both hogs that tested positive were running a fever at the time they were swabbed by the ODA veterinarian.

The above comments describe two H3N2v confirmed swine at the Ohio State fair in Columbus.  The relationship between the H3N2v in Columbus, and the recent confirmed H3N2v cases in LaPorte County, Indiana and Butler County, Ohio is unclear.

The USDA has recently released H3N2v sequences from June collections from swine in Ohio (A/swine/Ohio/1/2012, A/swine/Ohio/6/2012, A/swine/Ohio/7/2012, A/swine/Ohio/9/2012).  These sequences matched the initial 2011 human cases (in Indiana, Pennsylvania, Maine, and Iowa), which are distinct from the most recent human cases (in West Virginia, Utah, Indiana, and Ohio).

There have been no reported human cases at the Ohio State Fair, so release of the sequences from the recent swine cases at the fair would be useful.

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