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H3N2v Cases At Washington County Fair - Indiana
Recombinomics Commentary 12:45
August 3, 2012

doctors at St. Vincent Salem Hospital in Salem admit they've had several people come in with flu-like symptoms. They're swabbing patients and testing them for Influenza A, the regular flu virus, and sending another sample off to the lab. If a patient tests positive for Influenza A, they're being treated with Tamiflu, the same medicine used to treat the swine flu, just in case.

The above comments describe symptomatic Washington County Fair attendees who are being tested in Salem, Indiana.  Swabs are being sent to the state lab (ISDH) for PCR testing (and subsequent confirmation by the CDC).

Washington County is adjacent to Jackson County, where H3N2v was confirmed yesterday as described in the ISDH press release.  However, the August 2 release also noted that additional samples were being tested and there were symptomatic cases in multiple counties.

Jackson County has been sending in swabs since last Friday, but there have been symptomatic cases in Jackson County for the past 6 weeks, indicated H3N2v is widespread in people in the area. 

It is likely that the symptomatic swine and fair attendees in Washington County are infected with the same sub-clade of H3N2v recently confirmed in LaPorte and Jackson Counties in Indiana as well as Butler County in Ohio.

More detail on the number of symptomatic cases in Indiana would be useful.

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