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Fifteen Suspect H5N1 Bird Flu Cases in East Kazakhstan

Recombinomics Commentary

August 4, 2005

Yesterday in Pavlodar region, where at the clinic already lies one person with the suspicion to the influenza, on cots burn 15 more. They all ate cutlets from chicken in one dining room. Thus far official diagnosis - "gastroenterocolitis", and Kazakh authorities declared, that the victims poisoned, but there is no confidence in this.

The above machine translation extends the number of reports suggesting human H5N1 bird flu cases are under investigation in the Irtysh district in the Pavlodar region of Kazakhstan (however, a second report suggests the cases are in East Kazahkstan).  The initial report was of a poutry worker who was hospitalized in Golubovka with double pneumonia and in critical condition.  That was followed by a report of a family of four ill after eating goose meat in the Irtysh district in the Pavlodar region.  Now there above report suggests 15 additional people have symptoms.

The credibility level in Kazakhstan is close to zero.  After filing an OIE report of H5, and official said it was not H5N1.  Since Russia has already reported H5 to OIE also and have acknowledged the bird flu in the Chany Lake are and several additional provinces is H5N1, there is little doubt that the dying geese in Kazakhstan's Pavlodar region also died from H5N1.

Although Russia and China have denied human cases, the evidence is mounting that earlier boxun reports are correct, and the H5N1 linked to Qinghai Lake is infecting humans.

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