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Suspect H3N2v Cases At Monroe County Fair - Indiana
Recombinomics Commentary 00:45
August 8, 2012

"She was vomiting, fever for three (to) four days. Fever of 104 and up," said Bloomington mom Kriste Ford. "My daughter went to the (Monroe County) Fair. She shows animals. She started Saturday, she went on Monday running a 104 fever. I took her to the doctor on Tuesday, they confirmed it was the influenza.”

Kriste Ford says she knows of at least 10 people who have come down with flu-like symptoms since the Monroe County Fair ended.

On Monday, she received a letter from the state's top veterinarian. It confirms a number of pigs at the Monroe County Fair tested positive for the flu.

The above comments suggest that the number of confirmed H3N2v cases linked to the Monroe County Fair in Bloomington, Indiana will rise. 

Today the Monroe County Department of Health issued a press release noting that the CDC confirmed two cases in the county. 
Many cited human cases were also detailed in online posts. Moreover, the swine barn was closed because of the large number of symptomatic swine.

A CDC MMWR is expected on Thursday, which may provide additional detail on the confirmed cases in Indiana and Ohio.

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