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Explosion of H3N2v Cases In Gallia County Ohio
Recombinomics Commentary 21:30
August 8, 2012

Twenty-five more people have come down with the flu in Gallia County, bringing the total number to 62.
The above comments signal a major H3N2v outbreak at the Gallia County fair.  Cheryl Godwin, Emergency Response Coordinator at the Gallia County Health Department, confirmed that 62 cases from the Gallia County Junior Fair were influenza A positive based on a rapid test and a subset had been H3N2v confirmed by the Ohio Department of Health. 

The number of symptomatic case was significantly higher than the 62 tested.  They were responding well to Tamiflu treatment.

A press release from the ODH is expected shortly, which will cite 30 confirmed H3N2v cases in five counties.

The Ohio results follow an ISDH press release citing 113 confirmed H3N2v cases in 18 counties, with additional confirmations expected.

An MMWR from the CDC is expected tomorrow, but the above numbers leave little doubt that the H3N2v at the county fairs in Indiana and Ohio passes well to humans, and the H3N2v positives swine were likely infected by humans.

Prior to the July and August outbreaks, only two swine had been confirmed with H3N2v matching the novel sub-clade linked to the recent cases.

The explosion clearly signals a pandemic, which is independent of swine.

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