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Explosion of H3N2v Cases In Monroe County Indiana
Recombinomics Commentary 23:15
August 8, 2012

Sixty-eight people in Monroe County have contracted influenza A, a virus that was found in pigs at the county’s fair earlier this month, according to the Monroe County Health Department.

The above comments describe an explosion of H3N2v cases at the Monroe County Fair in Bloomington, Indiana which has numbers similar to the sixty-two influenza A positive cases at the Gallia County Junior Fair in Green, Ohio

The influenza A positive cases represent a subset of those infected because the rapid test lacks sensitivity, and many symptomatic cases will not be tested because of the large number of cases.  When the number of influenza A confirmed cases reaches the high levels cited above, it is assumed that all symptomatic cases are influenza A positive.
Moreover, when the number of positives is as high as those cited above, only a subset of samples is sent to the state lab for serotyping. 

Today the Ohio Department of Health is reporting four H3N2v confirmed cases for Gallia County, indicating all that are influenza A positive are H3N2v infected, as are all of those who are symptomatic.  Thus, while more than 100 attendees are infected with H3N2v, only 4 are reported as confirmed.

Moreover, the state labs then claim that these explosions are not due to human to human transmission because some swine have also been infected by some of the people infected with H3N2v.

The explosions of cases at the two fairs above leave no doubt that the H3N2v is efficiently transmitting human to human, as was seen for the same novel sub-clade at the Mineral County day care center In West Virginia were there was no swine exposure or contact but 23 contacts had influenza-like illness as noted in the alert of the California Department of Health.

These recent outbreaks clearly signal a pandemic, agency comments on swine infections notwithstanding.

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