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Paradigm Shift Intervention Monitoring | Commentary . H5N1 Bird Flu Migrates West to Akmola Kazakhstan Recombinomics Commentary August 9, 2005 535 poultry heads in the village Ushsar and 345 poultry heads in Vinogradovka settlement of Akmola oblast have been infected with the bird flu during the recent weeks. The above report indicates H5N1 is being detected further south in Kazakhstan, in the Akmola region. The village seems to be 80 miles southwest of the capital, marking the most southern and western location reported in Kazahkstan. As the weather turns colder, many birds migrating westward towards Europe will begin to turn south toward the Black and Caspian Seas. The northern portion of the Caspian Sea is almost due west from Tacheng in Xinjiang and the above locations are almost half way from Tacheng on a line connecting to the Caspian Sea. This distance of less than 1000 miles can be covered in a few days or less by many species of migrating birds, so new reports of H5N1 in Europe and points south should begin to appear in the next few weeks. Media Resources |
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