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H5N1 Bird Flu Migrates Toward Nepal India Bangladesh Bhutan

Recombinomics Commentary

August 10, 2005

The Chinese authorities informed the Paris-based OIE that 133 infected birds had died in a farm close to the capital Lhasa, which had prompted them to cull an additional 2,600 birds in the surrounding area.

China did not say what type of bird had been infected but Vallat said it was likely to be chicken.

The above detail further supports the spread of H5N1 from Qinghai Lake.  Although comments were made about lack of vaccinations, after the Qinghai outbreak China did distribute vaccine to Qingha, Xinjiang, and Tibet.  However Tibet is mountainous and sparsely populated, which may have limited vaccine distribution.

Lhasa is about 600 southwest of Qinghai Lake and about 200 miles from borders with Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and India.  As the migratory birds head south, each of these countries will likely see H5N1 infections.

Half way between Qinghai Lake and Lhasa is Yushu, where there were reported force quarantines.  The quarantines, reported by Boxun, suggest H5N1 is widespread in Qinghai province.  Additional Boxun reports describe fatal human H5N1 cases.

As H5N1 moves south into more densely populated areas, more reports on human cases may surface.  Much of the new out of China has been limited, so as H5N1 flies out of China, more information on the H5N1 should be available.


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