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Paradigm Shift Intervention Monitoring | Commentary . Mystery Illness Quarnatines 45 in Moklakap Chita Russia Recombinomics Commentary August 11, 2005 45 people, 20 of whom - children, turned themselves for the medical aid into the settlement Of moklakap Of the tungiro-Olekminskeyeo region. All patients complained about the high temperature and the vomiting. First aid in the settlement feldsher point is shown sick person. At present the state of people is evaluated as stable- satisfactory. Yesterday (on 10 August) into Mogocha city is delivered the brigade of doctors, from there physicians on the helicopter reached Moklakap settlement. Are today in all patients undertaken the analyses, whose results will be finished only in Chita. Let us note that sick children the blind alley is planned to deliver on the cross-country vehicle into the district hospital, located in the settlement. In Moklakape is introduced the regime of extraordinary situation and quarantine is introduced. The disease outbreak in Moklakap, described in above machine translation, is being taken seriously. Doctors have been flown into the area and a quarantine imposed. As birds begin to migrate out of the Chany Lake area, outbreaks of human disease along the flight paths are cause for concern. In the past, H5 has been isolated from Chany Lake and Primorie, so areas along Russia's southern border would be of interest. H5N1 has been found in a number of villages around the Chany Lake region. There has been a meningitis outbreak in the adjacent Tomsk region. Moklakap is about 1000 miles east of Chany Lake (see map). The closest H5N1 outbreaks have been the three areas on bird deaths in Mongolia. Although there have been no official reports of H5N1 in humans, there have been several reports by Boxun in Qinghai province as well as suspect cases in Kazakhstan, in addition to the meningitis cases in Tamsk as well as a meningitis outbreak in northern India in May, as the bar headed geese began migrating to Qinghai Lake. More information on these forty five patients would be useful. Map Media Resources |
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